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Only letters and the dot (.) character, followed by a space, are allowed.
(E.g.: 31/05/1970)
Vip Puntoblanco

Do you want to enjoy the advantages of the VIP Club?

By joining the VIP Club, you can enjoy exclusive discounts, advanced sales and find out about all the latest news. You can unsubscribe at any time.
Vip Puntoblanco

Score points!

Register your ID in the "Addresses" section of your account and your points will be will be accumulated automatically. If you go to the store, tell your ID to our shop assistant.

Vip Puntoblanco

When will I get rewards?

1€ = 1 Punto Blanco point. When you accumulate 350 points, we'll send you a 20€ gift voucher that you can redeem at any store or online. No minimum purchase.

Vip Puntoblanco


We want to share the most special days with you. For your birthday we'll send you a 5€ discount that you can spend in any store or online.